About Rick

I suppose I always knew I would be a lawyer. When I was in high school, I used to tutor a lovely set of twins. Their mother pulled me aside one day and said that if I really wanted to be a lawyer, I should go find a job in a law office and see if it was right for me. After pounding on a lot of doors, I convinced a solo practitioner to hire me part-time as a runner and file clerk. From then on, there was little turning back. I worked in the administration end of several small firms in college, and saw both the front and back-end of the practice.
Strange to say, but I didn’t like law school. The style of teaching made no sense to me, due to the lack of emphasis on the practical. I liked law review, however. As an editor, you read voraciously, and you carry on dialogues with the professors whose papers were accepted. Those dialogues probably sharpened my critical thinking about the law more than anything.
The first part of my career filled in the gaps that law school left. I received a pragmatic education from some of the finest attorneys I have ever met, and am deeply indebted to them. They improved my writing, taught me to solve legal problems, and made me appreciate the level of trust that clients place in their attorneys.
The move to my own office stemmed from a desire to focus my practice on individuals and smaller businesses. Big firms meant big corporate clients. Those clients deserve top notch representation – but so does everyone else. Being on my own allows me to focus more on the people and small business that I had always wanted to help.
My great passion has to be music. It’s unusual if there isn’t music in the background when I am working, be it classics, jazz, world, pop. I played the piano when I was a boy, and keep meaning to take it back up. To the chagrin of more than a few, I am taking singing lessons now. There is no risk that I will “leave my day job,” however, to take up a career in music. Travel, good books, good food and wine, and dabbling a bit in creative writing also make my top list of pleasures.
So that’s a little about me. Please reach out if you think my office can be of assistance. I tend to answer my own phones, turning them off only when I need a large block of uninterrupted time to write or strategize. I look forward to hearing from you at your convenience.