Choosing an attorney is an extremely important decision. You will be working closely with whomever you choose, and likely sharing very personal information. You should therefore know not only what types of cases the attorney accepts, but his or her philosophy and background. The information below will give you a better sense of our firm.
About Rick
I suppose I always knew I would be a lawyer. When I was in high school, I used to tutor a lovely set of twins. Their mother pulled me aside one day and said that if I really wanted to be a lawyer, I should go find a job in a law office and see if it was right for me. After pounding on a lot of doors, I convinced a solo practitioner to hire me part-time as a runner and file clerk. From then on, there was little turning back. I worked in the administration end of several small firms in college, and saw both the front and back-end of the practice.
Our Firm
We take pride in our ability to develop legal strategies tailored to each client and each case. We analyze and explain the complexities and options, so that our clients understand their rights and obligations.
Our Philosophy
Disputes are inevitable, and some you simply cannot resolve yourself. You need an attorney that can find the important facts, analyze and explain your rights and risks, listen to and help shape your goals, and propose and execute a strategy that leads to a cost-effective solution.